Series Finale Recap: Coming Full Circle


Well guys, it’s time. The grand finale. I have to confess that I’ve been looking forward to this episode with a mix of trepidation and nostalgia. I was filled with fear that they’d pull something wonky with the plot and at the same time, I knew I’m going to get kicked solidly in the feels. There was nothing more to do than forge ahead and hope they do right by everyone. On we go.

We begin at Granny’s in Storybrooke, where she’s dishing up sandwiches for Grumpy and the crew. But of course, she called him Leroy, which made me grit my teeth.


Just as Grumpy steps off the curb he’s nearly hit by the Rolling Bayou truck, forcing him to drop his sandwiches. Alice and Robin jump out and give a panting, breathless recap of the shenanigans going on in Seattle. Unfortunately Grumpy, Granny, and the guys aren’t buying it. They treat Alice and Robin as intruders and go on the attack.

Robin and Alice flee, but Robin spies Regina’s car and makes a beeline for it, sure that she can get Regina on board. But it’s not Regina driving it’s Zelena, with young Robin in the seat next to her. Robin explains the situation and of course she knows entirely too much about her own background for Zelena to doubt her story

Meanwhile, in the snow globe, Hook, Rumple and Henry make their way to a cabin where Lucy and Ella are waiting for them. There Rumple explains the situation more succinctly: Wish Rumpelstiltskin has used the author’s pen to not only strip the guardian of their powers , he has also stripped our Rumple of his immortality. Rumple warns that Wish Rumple unchecked by the love of Belle is capable of just about any evil thing. Rumple seems resigned, but Hook vows that he is not giving up yet -he will find a way to his beloved Alice.

Wish Henry has slapped some magic dampening cuffs on Regina and wants her to answer for her crime of ripping out his grandparent’s hearts. Regina pleads with him, trying to convince him that she is no longer that person and that in another realm she is his mother. She reminds him that he is brave and good and has saved many people – including herself. She wants to save him from Wish Rumple, but Henry is unmoved. With the slice of his blade across her hand, he reminds her that stories in this realm are written in blood and tears and tomorrow he’s going to fight her and finally have his revenge.


Regina is taken to a cell where she falls into a dream of Robin. He encourages her to help Henry find his way to the light just as she did. ”Our story was so short,”  she says, as we nod along and clutch our hands to our chests. “ But that doesn’t make it any less epic,” Robin assures her. When Regina awakens there is a red feather clutched in her palm.


Hook and Rumple begin beating away at the wall of the snowglobe, but to no avail. Rumple points out that dogged determination,  coupled with his good heart was exactly why he chose detective Rogers to be his partner. Hook asks him why it was the Rumple never destroyed him considering the amount of power he had. Rumple admits that Hook is probably the closest thing he’s ever had to a friend.


The Bromance doesn’t have long to grow though, because they find Maui’s fish hook embedded in the snow. A few good strikes and the globe shatters – they’re all free courtesy of Zelena, Alice and Robin. They let us know that Wish Henry has posted a notice for the execution of Regina.

While the others rush to help Regina, Rumple decides to search the castle, hoping to find a clue as to how he’s going to defeat his alter ego. Instead, he finds a dreamcatcher and summons up a memory if he and Belle’s wedding day.  He is shattered by the realization that he will never be with his beloved Belle again.

Wish Rumple is now ready to reveal the entirety of his endgame. He hauls in Blue to be the guinea pig for a spell he’s working with Henry. What happened to Blue’s floofy dress? Why is she dressed like a peasant? Her dress may have looked like one of those things your grandmother put the spare roll of toilet paper in, but it was iconic.


Rumple encourages Henry’s rage and with that and Regina’s blood, the spell is cast, sending Blue through a dark portal into isolation in her very own story book. With a wave of his hand, Rumple reveals a room full of books where he plans to trap every single hero in solitary confinement for eternity as the only character in their stories.

Robin and Hook are surveying the garrison of guards outside Regina’s cell door and it’s clear that Hook’s heart is getting worse. He begs Robin to take care of Alice and she in turn asks his blessing on their marriage. Hook gives it wholeheartedly and together they rush the guards, creating a diversion so that Henry can get inside to rescue Regina. Unfortunately, the guards inside are waiting for him and just as it looks like he’s cornered, two new guards appear and attack the other guards. In a season one kind of reveal they pull their helmets off. It’s Snow and Charming come to save the day! Although I figured out it was Charming the minute he swung his sword. Nobody whips a sword around like Josh Dallas.


Charming shares Wish Rumple’s dastardly plan with the rest of the group at the war council table. As they break up the council meeting, Snow, ever the optimist, urges them to spread the word far and wide and to never give up hope.

Wish Henry searches for Regina and she steps out of the trees to confront him. He’s still not ready to listen and as he tosses her a sword he demands his chance at revenge. We juxtapose this with Wish Rumple’s castle, where our Rumple has found a hidden piece of magic that allows him to enchant his hand. He hopes to rip out Wish Rumple’s heart. Before he can execute his plan, Wish Rumple appears. Portals begin to open, ready to suck all of our characters into their solitary lives in the new dark story books.


Alice can’t seem to get a good strong grip and despite the effect on his poisoned heart, Hook sacrifices himself to keep her from being pulled in. We watch as Regina and Wish Henry fight but eventually she backs off and allows him to put his sword to her throat. She pleads with him one more time to please let her and everyone else who cares about Henry in any realm – love him. She finally gets through and as Henry throws his arm around her, the portals caused by Wish Rumple’s spell disappear.

But it’s too late for Hook, his heart has been damaged beyond repair. As the others gather around him the two Rumple’s face off. Wish Rumple looks more than a little irritated as our Rumple begins monologuing. He states unequivocally that he is the stronger of the two of them because he knows love, and he also knows what a coward Wish Rumple is. It’s time for him to make a sacrifice, and not because it will win him something in the end, but because it’s the right thing to do.


He rips his own heart out of his chest and transfers it to Hook, healing him once and for all as our beloved Rumple falls dead to the ground. Wish Rumple cracks and fades to dust. Hook realizes the depth of that sacrifice, calling him “old friend” as he hugs Alice tight. Regina arrives and gives her own tearful goodbye, telling him that she is sure he will somehow find his happily ever after.


Cue the fog and the cloud-like scenery, and there’s Belle waiting by the Storybrooke wishing well, ready to welcome him home. Wait . . .no Bae?  He spent centuries trying to find his son, grieved his death, but he doesn’t seem to give a crap about meeting up with him in the afterlife. Go figure. But lets get back to Belle so all the RumBelle shippers out there can clutch their hearts and bask in the wonderful. I, too, am glad he got a full redemption arc.

The two Henrys seek out Regina, wanting to know what’s next on the horizon. Regina has come up with a plan using the original curse as a blueprint. She’s going to cast a new curse – one that will unite all the realms in Storybrooke, keeping people from ever having to lose each other. It also sounds confusing as hell. But oh well, it sounds wonderful the way she’s presenting it so we’ll ride with it.


Sometime later…

We watch as Zelena and adult Henry escort a very dolled up Regina into the throne room of the castle which is now part of the many, many kingdoms that make up Storybrooke. As she enters the room, we see a repeat of her entrance in the pilot episode, with a multitude gathered, only this time they’re cheering as she enters. To her stunned surprise, the people have elected her as ruler over the newly United Kingdoms.

As we pan the crowd we get a wonderful little moment where a breathless Emma in a ball gown of her own (complete with red jacket over it and a diaper bag on her arm) rushes in, followed by Killian, bearing the baby and a stopper on the end of his hook. He child-proofed his hook!


As everyone beams, Snow places the crown on Regina’s head, pronouncing her The Good Queen. I will admit the tears spilled over at this point. As a montage of great moments from the show play in the background, Regina reminds them all that their stories will go on with love, with adventure, with loss – but they will get through it because they have hope.

And as the scene fades to black, we take one last trip down Main Street Storybrooke, past Gold’s Pawn Shop, past Granny’s, past the clock tower, until finally we reach the sign on the edge of town telling us that we are leaving Storybrook. We exit on that note of hope, but with a long backward glance over our shoulder.


I’ll go ahead and give this one five story books out of five.


The episode had some flaws, but all in all, the nostalgia of it made for a great send-off.

My thoughts:

  1. So now there are what… three Henrys? Adult Henry, Wish Henry and Storybook present-day, just-graduated Henry? What the hell? And what about the fact that there’s two Reginas? Which one rules? How confusing will it be for Cinderella to meet Cinderella? Is older Robin going to babysit young Robin? Will Hook be out having a drink with Hook? I’m glad they didn’t shove everyone into town, choosing instead to expand the town to include all the kingdoms – which makes for some fun. Still, that’s got to be more than a little befuddling for a lot of people.
  2. If someone had told me in season two that Rumpelstiltskin and Hook would call each other friend and Hook would end the series with Rumples heart in his chest, I would never have believed it. What a way to round out their story.
  3. It was nice to see Robin, but I still wish they had found a way to make him come back for good.
  4. Of all the dangling strings they decided to finally sew up – Lily’s father is Zorro? Honestly. they couldn’t give Mulan a happy ending? Like, have her show up in the hall hand-in-hand with Elsa, probably talking about her new role as Chief defender of Arendelle? Sheesh.

So this is it. Finito. No more show, no more recaps. Please take a moment and comment with your thoughts. Check out my fanfics if you’re still feeling nostalgic, or check the sidebars for my Young Adult Fantasy novels and my Adult romance novels if you still feel like reading me.

It’s been a swell ride guys. Thanks for taking it with me.

9 thoughts on “Series Finale Recap: Coming Full Circle

  1. Thank you for all your recaps. They have been a highlight of my week. Please keep writing as time allows. You are an amazing writer.


  2. I do hope you keep writing Once fanfic. I looked forward to your recaps every week. They were great and I will miss them just as I will miss Once. Thanks for taking the time to write for us every week!


  3. First of all thanks for all your amazing recaps – I’ve often looked forward to them more than the actual episodes!
    I’m glad you enjoyed this one more than me as some of it really annoyed me. A montage of love scenes from the whole series and not one shot of Emma/Killian!!! I know they have some detractors but their relationship has been a big part of the show. I did get a giggle that they included a Henry/Violet kiss and not Henry and his wife. But it was really great to see all the old characters again and that lost shot through Main St. and the Leaving Storybrooke sign had me in tears. It has a lot of flaws but I’m really going to miss this show and coming here every week for you recaps. Thanks for everything!


  4. I’m kind of miffed that there won’t be a Season 8. I would have liked to see a Season 2 style season, with all the fairytale characters from Hyperion Heights figuring out their lives now that they have two sets of memories.
    And there were countless plot threads left unfinished, and I am not satisfied with that. Also, I wanted to see more of Hook and young Alice.
    But I do like some of the ending, and I agree with you on the Hook/Rumple ending. That was certainly interesting, and I would never have expected it. Although I am very glad that Hook’s heart was healed. They wouldn’t have left it poisoned though, not with the theme of this show.


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